Thursday, November 6, 2014

Hi everyone!

I have a lot of things to write about so I'm just gonna start.
October 18th me, my hostparents and 2 friends of them went to Kansas City to the American Royals. They're having all kinds of stuff with horses there like jumping shows, rodeos etc.
This Saturday was the Hunter and Jumper Show. It was a Grand Prix and the winner got 25000 dollars! It was like when I went to CSI: Zürich with my sisters.
Halloween Parade with Hellen
Grand Prix
Another thing going on was that the Royals our Baseball team made it to the play offs! It was crazy everyone was wearing blue. So all the school kids met on the football field and watched the games together. Sadly they lost the world series but it still was pretty cool that they made it the first time after 29 years.
October 25th, we had an AFS meeting. All the kids around Independence met each other and we had a halloweenparade at 1pm. Luckily it wasn't even cold it was like summer returned for a day! We decorated the float with the flags of the different countries. After the parade we went to a bowling hall and had pizza. It was fun with them.
The Arche
The next week was Halloween week and the Americans are craazy! about Halloween! We had a Halloween party thursday with Theatre. They all dressed up and we had so much fun. So the next day we were off school and in the evening I went to Worlds of Fun with a few friends and the French students who are here for 2 weeks. It was sooo cold and everywhere were this scary people trying to scare you.
Grant's Farm
little sister ♥
The day after Halloween we went to St.Louis where Kyle my hostbrother lives with his Family. We went to Grant's Farm where the Clydesdale from the Budweiser commercial are stationned. On our way back we went to Downtown St.Louis and I saw the beautiful Arche!
Right now I'm getting ready to meet some friends at the mall.
I need some winter clothes!

Bye, Sandra