Saturday, December 13, 2014

Hi everyone!

Sorry that it took me so long to update my blog but there was so much going on the past few weeks.
Silver Dollar City
We made our first AFS trip in November down to Branson. Which is on the south border of Missouri. Branson is a city for tourists and they have a lot of things to do. We went there on Friday and before we checked in we ate something in a barbecue place. So about 8 we arrived in our camp and went straight into the hot tub. It got really cold here. But the temperature here really varies! One day it can be +10 and the other day it can be -10 degrees. Fortunately it wasn't that cold the next day. Because we wanted to drike the go-karts. That was so much fun! After that we went to the popular Silver Dollar City. They already decorated for Christmas and it looked gorgeous. We rode some rides, made many pictures and just walked around. And we had to have Funnel Cake and hot chocolate. At 6 o cl
Funnel Cake + hot chocolate
ock they turned on the lights on the big christmas tree. It was beautiful but it was like the middle of november so they start christmas really really early!
The next day they took us to a big shopping outlet. Sadly we only had 90 minutes there before we had to leave. On the way home we made a stop by this famous barbecue place. People wait to get in there for 2 hours. We already had some seats but we still had to wait 30 minutes. I've never seen a restaurant like this. You get this huge jug, maybe almost a liter an

d there's a man who walks around and throws bread to people. And the one could it the whole meal. It was huge! And not even that expensive. So we finally hit the road and got home around 6. I was really tired but we had a great weekend. You could really see the rolling hills of Missouri in Branson. It was really worth it!
Crown Center
The next weekend we made a short trip to the east border of Missouri, St. Louis. Because Addy the daughter of my host brother had her 4th birthday. That was the day it first snowed here. It was crazy there were so many people. On our way back we saw the ranch where they breed the Clydesdales which are in the Budweiser commercial.
The next event was Thanks giving at the 27th of November. Kurt and Kyle my host brothers, Kyles family and Gloria's mum all came to our house. It was fun and we had a great Thanks giving meal.
That saturday I went to the Crown Center with a few friends because they turned on the christmas lights and you could do ice skating there. It was really crowded but totally worth it!
Also the basketball season started and we just had our biggest game against truman which is our biggest rival. During games they cheer the whole time. But we still lost 64 to 73. At least not as bad as we lost in Football!

Bye, Sandra