Sunday, January 11, 2015

Hi everyone!

It's been quite a while since my last update so there's a lot to tell.
Before the holidays started, our counselor from school and her husband took all seven of us to Kansas City. The lights on the Plaza had been turned on since Thanksgiving. It looked gorgeous! We walked around for a little bit and went to a Sushi restaurant after that. It was the first time I ever ate Sushi and it was really good. There are two popular places in Kansas City, it's the Plaza with Shops and Restaurants, etc. And the Power and Light District, where are the bars and all the entertainement stuff. The counselors husband worked in one of the high rise buildings so we went to the top floor and the view was just amazing. You could see whole Kansas City. That took place at the beginning of December. Saturday before Christmas break me and my host family went to the Coffman Center they had a Christmas concert which was really good! Well it was almost Christmas and we had some Christmas partys. 

A friend of mine made a Murder Mistery Party about Alice in Wonderland. The whole living room was decorated and we had to play roles until we found out who murdered Alice. Definitly something different but it was fun!

And I finally went to the animal hospital with Gary. I spent a whole day there and saw some really interesting things. I saw a monkey! and they had surgery on a chicken! I went out on some farm calls which was really interesting. It was a nice day.

I got a ticket for Transsiberian Orchestra from my hostparents as a gift for christmas and it was wonderful! Christmas eve and christmas we didn't open any presents instead we went to the movies to see Unbroken. Amovie about an american soldier. We waited till Sunday to celebrate christmas with the whole family. My hostbrothers from Kansas City and St. Louis came up here for a few days with their family. It was chaos but we had a good time!

After christmas I met with all the other AFS students and we went Ice skating together that was so much fun. And luckily I didn't fall!
New Year's Eve they AFS organization had a suite for us to watch our Hockey team play. I've never seen Hockey in real life before so that was nice. We went to a restaurant after that but the clock hadn't turned 12 yet. I slept over at some friends house and together we watched the ball drop in New York.
After New Year we went to St. Louis to my host brothers family to celebrate the 2nd birthday of his son. The same evening we left the party for a while and went to see our indoor soccer team the comets. They are the best team of America and weren't beaten yet. So they won 8:5 I think.
The second semester has begun now and the school started on Wednesday. Everyone thought it was going to be a cold day because the temperature should drop below zero (Fahrenheit). But we still had school. But the next day we had a late start which means we had to be there 9:2o instead of 7:2o.
Yesterday I went to another Comets game and they won against Washington 18:2!!! And we had a suite again which was kinda nice! (free popcorn,drinks,etc.) After that game we went to Lucas and Joels game (friends of mine) They won their game too. The semester students are gonna leave next Friday and tommorow one of them throws a goodbye party.

Bye, Sandra