Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Hi everyone!

Last week our Courtwarming took place. The theme for the dance was Night around the World. Courtwarming is a dance for th end of the basketball season. We decorated the whole week and sold tickets and shirts during school. So on friday the seniors had their last assembly to inform the other students what's going on for the rest of the school year. It was amazing. They introduced the courtwarming princes and princesses and they always have fun things during assemblys. In this assembly they had some teachers doing a dance competition.
In the evening the basketball game took place bu sadly they lost by one point!
Next day we all met at 5pm for the pictures. At 7pm the dance started and at 10 it was over. My last dance in the school! After the dance I had some friends coming over and we had pizza and jumped into the hot tub.
This schoolweek we had only for days. On Friday, AFS organized a trip to Snow Creek. A little ski resort. It's all artifical snow but it was a lot of fun! A lot of the kids never went skiing before.
Saturday I met up with some friends and we had pizza and watched a movie together.

Bye, Sandra
Snow Creek

Courtwarming '15
my babysitting qualities!
Assenbly with the Bestie

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Hi everyone!

I'm just gonna write about my shortterm stay last week. So the thing is that I signed up for this like a month ago. I didn't know what I was getting myself into but I'm glad I did it.
The shortterm stay should show us the other side of Kansas City. The private schools and how kids live there. Chrisman is a public school and there are a lot of poorer kids and some really hard stories. So my shortterm family picked me up last wednesday at about 6 o'clock. I was really excited and a bit scared. A new family..again! The famile has two kids. Their 14 year old daughter Ellie and their 11 year old son Henry. After they picked me up we drove to Kansas City and ate in a Thai restaurant. Libby's (the mother's) husband just got home from Asia from a business trip so I didn't meet him yet. Later we finally made it to their home. And Scott (the father) was already wating for us. He brought some gifts from Thailand, even I got something. Their house was beautiful and there were so many rooms. Henry even had his own stage. ( He's a dancer). So that was a pretty exciting day for me.
The next two days we're supposed to shadow our shortterm sib through the whole school day. So the next morning we got u
p at about 6.30 cause we had to be there early for the shortterm meeting where we got some bagels and met the other students. The schoolday was over at 3pm. And I have to say that the food there was so much better than at Chrisman. We got pancakes on Thursday and they had ice cream and whatever you craved. Another thing were the IPads. Every student received an IPad from the school. After the school finished I went to Ellie's basketball. Sott was there too and he took us back. He made quesadillas this evening cause I said that this is one of my favorite food here.
Friday we got up a bit later and left at 7 so we can eat breakfast at a café. The school starts there at 8am. After school was over we went to a friend's home. Apparently she's from switzerland, too. But she lives here for 7 years. She just moved here from Cali. This evening was a pizza party planned. Yeah we ate a lot of food like usually played pole or ping pong. After we were done we went bowling. We just had some problems with transportation. Too many people not enough cars!
So after we all finally arrived there we started bowling. I was last in my group... Last thing was Winsteads. That is a really good restaurant and is known for their HUGE smoothies. They call them skyscraper. And everytime someone orders one. The whole service staff comes and sings a song.
The next day we met at the Crown Center. Which is a shopping center and has an ice skating ring. We got there little bit late so we didn't really have time to ice skate. After that we ate dinner at the shopping center and then went back home to fix dinner for our Internation Dinner this evening. Well I didn't really have to work hard cause I just brought Swiss Cheese and Toblerone.
And there's already the last day of my shortterm stay...
In the morning we all went to church but it's not like in Switzerland where you sit around and bore yourself. We sat together in a small group and talked and later they sang some good(!) songs. Later we went to the Oak Park Mall and shopped around for a little bit before we went back. Back home we started fixing some dishes. You probably know that it was Superbowl Sunday. Libby's parents came by and I watched the Superbowl till halftime.
Then they brought me back to my hostfamily where I watched it to the end!

Bye, Sandra