Saturday, December 13, 2014

Hi everyone!

Sorry that it took me so long to update my blog but there was so much going on the past few weeks.
Silver Dollar City
We made our first AFS trip in November down to Branson. Which is on the south border of Missouri. Branson is a city for tourists and they have a lot of things to do. We went there on Friday and before we checked in we ate something in a barbecue place. So about 8 we arrived in our camp and went straight into the hot tub. It got really cold here. But the temperature here really varies! One day it can be +10 and the other day it can be -10 degrees. Fortunately it wasn't that cold the next day. Because we wanted to drike the go-karts. That was so much fun! After that we went to the popular Silver Dollar City. They already decorated for Christmas and it looked gorgeous. We rode some rides, made many pictures and just walked around. And we had to have Funnel Cake and hot chocolate. At 6 o cl
Funnel Cake + hot chocolate
ock they turned on the lights on the big christmas tree. It was beautiful but it was like the middle of november so they start christmas really really early!
The next day they took us to a big shopping outlet. Sadly we only had 90 minutes there before we had to leave. On the way home we made a stop by this famous barbecue place. People wait to get in there for 2 hours. We already had some seats but we still had to wait 30 minutes. I've never seen a restaurant like this. You get this huge jug, maybe almost a liter an

d there's a man who walks around and throws bread to people. And the one could it the whole meal. It was huge! And not even that expensive. So we finally hit the road and got home around 6. I was really tired but we had a great weekend. You could really see the rolling hills of Missouri in Branson. It was really worth it!
Crown Center
The next weekend we made a short trip to the east border of Missouri, St. Louis. Because Addy the daughter of my host brother had her 4th birthday. That was the day it first snowed here. It was crazy there were so many people. On our way back we saw the ranch where they breed the Clydesdales which are in the Budweiser commercial.
The next event was Thanks giving at the 27th of November. Kurt and Kyle my host brothers, Kyles family and Gloria's mum all came to our house. It was fun and we had a great Thanks giving meal.
That saturday I went to the Crown Center with a few friends because they turned on the christmas lights and you could do ice skating there. It was really crowded but totally worth it!
Also the basketball season started and we just had our biggest game against truman which is our biggest rival. During games they cheer the whole time. But we still lost 64 to 73. At least not as bad as we lost in Football!

Bye, Sandra

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Hi everyone!

I have a lot of things to write about so I'm just gonna start.
October 18th me, my hostparents and 2 friends of them went to Kansas City to the American Royals. They're having all kinds of stuff with horses there like jumping shows, rodeos etc.
This Saturday was the Hunter and Jumper Show. It was a Grand Prix and the winner got 25000 dollars! It was like when I went to CSI: Zürich with my sisters.
Halloween Parade with Hellen
Grand Prix
Another thing going on was that the Royals our Baseball team made it to the play offs! It was crazy everyone was wearing blue. So all the school kids met on the football field and watched the games together. Sadly they lost the world series but it still was pretty cool that they made it the first time after 29 years.
October 25th, we had an AFS meeting. All the kids around Independence met each other and we had a halloweenparade at 1pm. Luckily it wasn't even cold it was like summer returned for a day! We decorated the float with the flags of the different countries. After the parade we went to a bowling hall and had pizza. It was fun with them.
The Arche
The next week was Halloween week and the Americans are craazy! about Halloween! We had a Halloween party thursday with Theatre. They all dressed up and we had so much fun. So the next day we were off school and in the evening I went to Worlds of Fun with a few friends and the French students who are here for 2 weeks. It was sooo cold and everywhere were this scary people trying to scare you.
Grant's Farm
little sister ♥
The day after Halloween we went to St.Louis where Kyle my hostbrother lives with his Family. We went to Grant's Farm where the Clydesdale from the Budweiser commercial are stationned. On our way back we went to Downtown St.Louis and I saw the beautiful Arche!
Right now I'm getting ready to meet some friends at the mall.
I need some winter clothes!

Bye, Sandra

Monday, October 13, 2014

Hi everyone!
Homecoming 2014

The week before Homecoming (a dance) we had Spirit Week. Everyday a different theme and you have to dress like it. So after the favorite sports day there was the trick and treat day. They dressed up in their halloween costumes even if it only was september. Next day was pink out day. You could have bought a T-shirt and the money would have been donated for fighting Breast Cancer. Thursday was Class Color Day and the Seniors were dressed in green. Sadly I didn't have one green shirt! The last day of Spirit week was Blue and Gold day. That are the colors of our school.
Homecoming Parade
Saturday morning was the parade for Homecoming. All the sports had their own float and decorated it. I rode the Volleyball float. The Homecoming candidates drove in a car. It was so cold! We went to the mall after the parade and got our nails done for the evening. There was a football game in the afternoon but I didn't go because the exchange student Vivi from 13 years ago visited the town and we all went eating together.
After the eating we picked up Josi from Germany and took her to our home and instead of getting dressed we fell asleep and woke up a half an hour before we had to leave. I wasn't done at all but it didn't matter. Tasia picked us up at about 5 o clock for taking pictures together. We all met at the Independence Square and took some cool pictures. But sadly we had to go to
school earlier at about 6 instead of 7 when the dance would have begun because someone teared down the decorations and we had to redone everything! At the end everything looked awesome. I really had fun at the dance but it was already over at 10pm and we had to clean it up because we're in STUCO (student counsil). It didn't take that much time and after we were done we all went eating together at iHop. I was home at about 12.
I slept in the next day and when I went downstairs there were this awesome blueberrie pancakes from Gary. A perfect start in the day! Vivi and her husband Augustin only stayed here till Monday. She was really nice and I would have liked to get to know her a little bit better!
The next week was called Rivaly Week and it is kinda the same as the Spirit Week we just had themes to dress up again. Monday was Twin Day. Tuesday was Nerd Day. Wednesday was Pink out again. We had a Chapter meeting with AFS on that day and I was supposed to do a           presentati-

Class Color Day
on that day but they moved it to November. Thursday was hat day and Friday was Blue and Gold day. That Friday was the most important football game of the whole year. Just because it was against Truman our biggest rival. And we lost. 0 to 43!!!
But the whole game the cheered and we threw babypowder in the air. The school is very spirited here!
The next day I had to get up early and be at school at 7 because we had a Volleyball Tournament. My last one here. And at least we beat Truman at Volleyball!
Haunted Houses!
In the evening I went to Worlds of Fun with some friends. We went to about 5 haunted houses. It was scary! There were people hiding in houses and they jumped out trying to scare you. And if you were scared they chased you! I'll go again at Halloween it should be even more scarier.
Sunday was my relaxing day and I just did my laundry and cleaned up a little bit nothing special. In the evening we went eating to a mexican restaurant.
Brianna ♥
This monday we got school off because it's columbus day! So I slept in in the morning and went to the mall at noon. A friend came over after the shopping and we just talked and had fun.

Bye, Sandra

Monday, September 29, 2014

Hi everyone!

It has been a bit longer since I updated my blog. That's simply because I hardly have time to do it. But now it's monday evening and the Chiefs (our Football-Team) is playing right now. I just went upstairs because I still don't get this game!
September 11th I had my first volleyball game. It's so confusing with the positions. I play the front row and I never stay at my place. But it's getting better. Tommorow is a home game that means dress up but more about that later. The next day (12th) was  football game at William Chrisman. There's always a students section where all the students are and cheer for the whole game. Mostly we lose but it's fun anyway. I like to go there.
Saturday was a Volleyball Tournament but just for the Varsity players. Me and Veronika volunteered and were there from 8am-noon. I had to do line judging and I was confused as always. But just as usually it got better after a while.
Monday was the due date for our Scavenger Hunt Project in Basic photography. I love this class it's so much fun and the pictures actually turned out very well. I'm so proud!
This week we had three! Volleyball games. They put so much effort in their sports and they really love it. Many americans are very athletic not like you see it in TV but there are too much overweight people.
That weekend we had the AFS-Camp. Sometimes it was a bit boring because you didn't know what you should do. But it was still very intresting to meet people all over the world.
I left the camp a bit earlier because we went to the American Royals. That's a huge horse show. They rode English too or at least they tried it didnt' really looked like it but they looked great in Western. And it was so funny a lot of horses had actually a fake tail. Their owners made extensions for the tail! It didn't look natural at all.
Sunday my hostparents took me to the Plaza Art Fair. There were artists from all over the United States. It was very interesting and the Plaza is so beautiful!
A week ago I took my senior pictures but I don't have them yet but you gonna see them. I really hope they look kinda good! In the evening we drove to Kansas City and ate at a Brazilian Steakhouse. The chiefs just go around with their own meat and bring you as much as you can eat and it's all different. You have a card on your table with a black and a yellow side. When the yellow side is on top it means they still can bring you meat. Black side on top means your done. I ate so much!
Tuesday I went to my first Sporting Kansas City Game. They won 3 to 0 and the atmosphere was amazing.
Thursday we went on a fieldtrip with the school. We visited a theatre and watched the play "Our Town". It was very different but still good and intresting. I didn't even have problem to understand them. To speak English gets easier with every day I've been here. And I'm already confused when I have to speak Swiss German!

Friday was a Footballgame again. Against one of the best teams in the area. So we lost 14 to 49. But no one really cares and we all just have fun. The theme was cowboys.
Saturday I had a Volleyball tournament and we were 4th from 6 teams. I was so tired by the time I got home!
In the evening I went to a bonfire and it was so much fun. I love bonfires and the evenings are always so nice here. Never too cold or too warm.
So Sunday I skyped with my family and friends I really enjoyed it even if I was so tired because I had to get up at 7am and didn't sleep for that long but it was alright.
At noon we went to Josi's house and together we went to Worlds of Fun. That's a big fun park that is about 20 minutes away from here. It was a great day.
Today was the first day of Spirit Week and we all had to dress up as our Favorite Sports Teams. I didn't bring a shirt from Switzerland so I just wore a Royals (Baseball) shirt from my hostmum.

Bye, Sandra

Girls at school

basic photography
Volleyball! ♥
American Royals

Plaza Art Fair

Wolds Of Fun!



Sunday, September 14, 2014

Hi everyone!

I just woke up and thought that I could write something in my blog so here we go.
with the finnish girl
Last Sunday me Ciera, Ronnie and Luca went to

Selfie with a Bear
Kansas City to the Oak Park Mall, that's a big shoppingmall because we need a cute dress for the Homecoming ball but we didn't find any dresses we like. So after we were done Ciera's mum brought us to the Soccer Game from Ciera's little sister. They won 2:0. Soccer is very popular here and almost all the guys at school play it. Soccer season ends at the end of october and then the basketball season starts.
Just cuties! ♥
Missouri *-*
Volleyball Tournament
Football Game
In school we had to dress up in the colors of the school that means blue and gold. That was on monday. The next time the STUCO-class dressed up in jeans and a black shirt because we made a flashmob for all the students so they know which theme the Homecoming will be.
It's going to be a HAUNTED HOMECOMING!
I'm so excited for Homecoming all the girls are going crazy and the guys asked the girls in the cutest ways I wish the boys in Switzerland would be a bit like here!
Volleyball Game
Exchange Students
At Tuesday we had a BBQ with the focus class it was so much fun. We went to the home of the teacher which you would never do in Switzerland.
Wednesday the last exchange students arrived here. We have now a boy from Italy and a girl from Thailand and you just see yourself in them a month ago.
wiht ma german girl
Thurday I should have played my first volleyball game but they didn't let me play I don't know why maybe I'm too bad. :p But this week we have 3 games and she said I'm going to play in the front row. I hope I don't mess up.
Friday we had a football game and we lost again! Our team isn't that good but it's always fun because all the students go there and the school spirit is awesome. So after the game I went to my neighbours house Sean because he had a little party.
The next day I volunteered in the volleyball tournament at Chrisman. Me and Veronika from Finland were there for like 4 hours.
bonfire @ Vincents
Gloria picked us up after we were done and Veronika came to my house. She slept here because she went to the party too. So we went into our hot tub for maybe a hour because we can't use the pool anymore. It turned cold so fast. Gloria explained to me that we either have Canadian air or Mexican air. It went from over 100 degrees to 50 degrees in a week. The weather is crazy here. But it doesn't bother me because finally I can use the hot tub!
Tractor pulling
Hellen, Veronika, Matteo, Daniel, Ciera and me met at 5 at the Independence Center. It's so cool that you get to know so many people from different coutries. We had Germany, Finland Italy and America. Ciera was the only American girl yesterday so we called her the foreigner. We went shopping, again! And after the shopping me, Veronika and Ciera went to a tractor pulling. I'ver never seen something like this before. It was crazy. We stayed there maybe an hour and after that we went to a bonfire at Vincents house. I have so much fun here!

Bye, Sandra