Sunday, September 14, 2014

Hi everyone!

I just woke up and thought that I could write something in my blog so here we go.
with the finnish girl
Last Sunday me Ciera, Ronnie and Luca went to

Selfie with a Bear
Kansas City to the Oak Park Mall, that's a big shoppingmall because we need a cute dress for the Homecoming ball but we didn't find any dresses we like. So after we were done Ciera's mum brought us to the Soccer Game from Ciera's little sister. They won 2:0. Soccer is very popular here and almost all the guys at school play it. Soccer season ends at the end of october and then the basketball season starts.
Just cuties! ♥
Missouri *-*
Volleyball Tournament
Football Game
In school we had to dress up in the colors of the school that means blue and gold. That was on monday. The next time the STUCO-class dressed up in jeans and a black shirt because we made a flashmob for all the students so they know which theme the Homecoming will be.
It's going to be a HAUNTED HOMECOMING!
I'm so excited for Homecoming all the girls are going crazy and the guys asked the girls in the cutest ways I wish the boys in Switzerland would be a bit like here!
Volleyball Game
Exchange Students
At Tuesday we had a BBQ with the focus class it was so much fun. We went to the home of the teacher which you would never do in Switzerland.
Wednesday the last exchange students arrived here. We have now a boy from Italy and a girl from Thailand and you just see yourself in them a month ago.
wiht ma german girl
Thurday I should have played my first volleyball game but they didn't let me play I don't know why maybe I'm too bad. :p But this week we have 3 games and she said I'm going to play in the front row. I hope I don't mess up.
Friday we had a football game and we lost again! Our team isn't that good but it's always fun because all the students go there and the school spirit is awesome. So after the game I went to my neighbours house Sean because he had a little party.
The next day I volunteered in the volleyball tournament at Chrisman. Me and Veronika from Finland were there for like 4 hours.
bonfire @ Vincents
Gloria picked us up after we were done and Veronika came to my house. She slept here because she went to the party too. So we went into our hot tub for maybe a hour because we can't use the pool anymore. It turned cold so fast. Gloria explained to me that we either have Canadian air or Mexican air. It went from over 100 degrees to 50 degrees in a week. The weather is crazy here. But it doesn't bother me because finally I can use the hot tub!
Tractor pulling
Hellen, Veronika, Matteo, Daniel, Ciera and me met at 5 at the Independence Center. It's so cool that you get to know so many people from different coutries. We had Germany, Finland Italy and America. Ciera was the only American girl yesterday so we called her the foreigner. We went shopping, again! And after the shopping me, Veronika and Ciera went to a tractor pulling. I'ver never seen something like this before. It was crazy. We stayed there maybe an hour and after that we went to a bonfire at Vincents house. I have so much fun here!

Bye, Sandra

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