Monday, September 29, 2014

Hi everyone!

It has been a bit longer since I updated my blog. That's simply because I hardly have time to do it. But now it's monday evening and the Chiefs (our Football-Team) is playing right now. I just went upstairs because I still don't get this game!
September 11th I had my first volleyball game. It's so confusing with the positions. I play the front row and I never stay at my place. But it's getting better. Tommorow is a home game that means dress up but more about that later. The next day (12th) was  football game at William Chrisman. There's always a students section where all the students are and cheer for the whole game. Mostly we lose but it's fun anyway. I like to go there.
Saturday was a Volleyball Tournament but just for the Varsity players. Me and Veronika volunteered and were there from 8am-noon. I had to do line judging and I was confused as always. But just as usually it got better after a while.
Monday was the due date for our Scavenger Hunt Project in Basic photography. I love this class it's so much fun and the pictures actually turned out very well. I'm so proud!
This week we had three! Volleyball games. They put so much effort in their sports and they really love it. Many americans are very athletic not like you see it in TV but there are too much overweight people.
That weekend we had the AFS-Camp. Sometimes it was a bit boring because you didn't know what you should do. But it was still very intresting to meet people all over the world.
I left the camp a bit earlier because we went to the American Royals. That's a huge horse show. They rode English too or at least they tried it didnt' really looked like it but they looked great in Western. And it was so funny a lot of horses had actually a fake tail. Their owners made extensions for the tail! It didn't look natural at all.
Sunday my hostparents took me to the Plaza Art Fair. There were artists from all over the United States. It was very interesting and the Plaza is so beautiful!
A week ago I took my senior pictures but I don't have them yet but you gonna see them. I really hope they look kinda good! In the evening we drove to Kansas City and ate at a Brazilian Steakhouse. The chiefs just go around with their own meat and bring you as much as you can eat and it's all different. You have a card on your table with a black and a yellow side. When the yellow side is on top it means they still can bring you meat. Black side on top means your done. I ate so much!
Tuesday I went to my first Sporting Kansas City Game. They won 3 to 0 and the atmosphere was amazing.
Thursday we went on a fieldtrip with the school. We visited a theatre and watched the play "Our Town". It was very different but still good and intresting. I didn't even have problem to understand them. To speak English gets easier with every day I've been here. And I'm already confused when I have to speak Swiss German!

Friday was a Footballgame again. Against one of the best teams in the area. So we lost 14 to 49. But no one really cares and we all just have fun. The theme was cowboys.
Saturday I had a Volleyball tournament and we were 4th from 6 teams. I was so tired by the time I got home!
In the evening I went to a bonfire and it was so much fun. I love bonfires and the evenings are always so nice here. Never too cold or too warm.
So Sunday I skyped with my family and friends I really enjoyed it even if I was so tired because I had to get up at 7am and didn't sleep for that long but it was alright.
At noon we went to Josi's house and together we went to Worlds of Fun. That's a big fun park that is about 20 minutes away from here. It was a great day.
Today was the first day of Spirit Week and we all had to dress up as our Favorite Sports Teams. I didn't bring a shirt from Switzerland so I just wore a Royals (Baseball) shirt from my hostmum.

Bye, Sandra

Girls at school

basic photography
Volleyball! ♥
American Royals

Plaza Art Fair

Wolds Of Fun!



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