Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Hi everyone!

I'm here now for a week and it's just awesome! School is still very hard because I still have to translate almost everything into Swiss German so you get really tired.
On Sunday we had Orientation with all the AFS Kids and it was a bit boring. We heard the same stuff again and again. There are many people from Germany and Austria and I think four from Switzerland. So I got kinda confused with speaking Swiss German because I just spoked English for a few days and just heard English so I mixed up Swiss German, German and English!
On Monday it was my birthday and two kids I got to know just brought presents for me! It was so nice. At evening I went to an Italian restaurant with Gloria and Gary and two of their friends and I got my favorite food, lasagna.
So yesterday I had four friends from High School coming over and we jumped into the swimming pool at my house. After that we watched a bit TV, talked and ate cupcakes. I had so much fun with them!

Bye, Sandra

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