Sunday, August 10, 2014

Hi everyone

Yesterday I had my goodbye party and it was awesome! We had so much fun and I finally saw all the people I want. I'm gonna miss them all so much.
The morning after the party we had to clean up the whole garden, the living room and the kitchen but it could have been much worse. Only one chair broke! And maybe a few glasses...
Four of my friends slept over at my house and helped me with cleaning.
Afterwards we made "Smors". That's marshmallows with cookies and chocolate and it tastes so good.
At the evening my godfather, his wife, my grandparents and my best friend came over and we ate Raclette together for the last time for half a year.
Tomorrow I have to go to the school and give them my formular with the grades in it.
I can't believe that only 3 days are left! So excited!

Bye, Sandra

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