Saturday, August 16, 2014

Hi everyone!

Yesterday I had my first school day and it was just great! Everyone you ask will help you and they were all just so nice!
At Leadership class there were all the exchange students and we played some games. After this class there was lunch. You just went to the cafeteria and every student ate the same. There was Hamburger with Doritos. As a AFS student you get lunch for free! That's amazing.
So at 2.14pm the school was over and I was so tired. I could fall asleep right in the car! Gloria picked me up and then we went home.
At home I just wanna take a short nap because of the jetlag and I woke up at 9pm. I was so confused I thought it was morning and jumped out of bed. But today the jetlag isn't still that bad.
I went to the shoppingmall today with two girls I met in school yesterday. It was so much fun. We went to every store and then we ate at Red Robin. It's a fast food restaurant and they sang me Happy Birthday! After the lunch we get quick to the Walmart and watched the Pet Store. Everything is so different in America! But it's so interesting.

Bye, Sandra

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