Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Hi everyone ☺

My name is Sandra Hartmann and I'm nearly 16 years old. I made this blog to tell you about my life in Missouri. Hope you gonna enjoy it.
8 days are left until the biggest adventure of my life starts. I'm going for about 6 months to the USA. At about two weeks ago I get to know my host family. Their names are Gary and Gloria. They have two children but both are adults and already moved out the house. So we're three people in their big house. They have a pool outside and a hot tub.
We write now E-Mails and today they sent me the classes for High School and it's amazing how many things you can choose!
At this moment I've chosen Digital Photography, French II, Team Sports, General Biology and Sociology. I'm really excited to go to school and that's definitly not like this in Switzerland. 
My neighbor will go to the same High School as me and I'm so happy that I know at least one person.

Right now, I'm planning for my goodbye/birthday party on Saturday. I'm lucky to see them all before I leave. I hope we have much fun!

Have a nice evening


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