Thursday, August 14, 2014

Hi everyone!

It's 10pm in Missouri and I'm very tired. The school starts tommorow for me and I'm so nervous about this! I hope I'm gonna find someone who helps me. The school area is so big and everything looks the same for me.
Luckily I know already three people there. One is an exchange student from Germany. The others are both from America.
I got here yesterday at 11pm and I just wanna go to bed! It was I think 6 o clock in Switzerland and I didn't sleep for like 26 hours. So I got here and they showed me my room. It's so cool! I have a very big and comfortable bed a little bathroom in my room and 2 goldfish!
Right now, Marsi (a dog) lays with me in the bed. She's so cute!
Today morning I was already at school and picked the classes I wanna go. For example Digitl Photography and P.E. The counsellor said I can change my classes everytime I want. Everyone was so nice there and helpfully!
So I quit for now and go to bed. I hope my jetlag goes away the next days.

Bye, Sandra

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