Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Hi everyone!

Over half a month are already over and I think I settled down. Because it's so hot here (it's over 100 Fahrenheit = 35 Celsius) we go to my house often and jump into the pool. Everyday I know a few more people. Last friday we meet at my house and swam. There was also a German Exchange student. It's so confusing when she talks in German to me because I think more and more in English even when it's still hard to do conversation with the kids in school. Often they are mumbling or speak to fast so it's really difficult.
On Saturday there was a big poolparty at my house for Gary's friends from work. There were about 40 people. And I finally saw the Red Cups you see in every American movie. Saturday evening we met at Ciera's and watched Frozen...Again! The Amercians really love Frozen. I'm here for a bit more than 2 weeks and watched this movie two times!
The next day I went to Schlitterbahn with Gloria's and Gary's son Kurt, his wife Melanie, their kid Mariella and Melanie's sister. At this waterpark there is the biggest waterslide of the world and I rode it! I was the 115th. We waited like almost 2 and a half hour for this, that's crazy and the ride was just about 30 seconds. It wasn't really worth it.
On Tuesday we had our first Volleyball game. Sadly I couldnt play because you have to have 20 practices before you can play in a game.  We won all three games against the Belton High School. And it was so much fun everybody yelled Go Bears and there were cheerleaders. I felt like I'm actually in a  American movie!
At the same time Gary found a little cat all by himself in a field and he took it with him and brought it the next day to the practis. They said if the don't find a home he can live here. I'm secretly hoping that no one else wants him! He's so lovely!

Bye, Sandra

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Hi everyone!

I'm here now for a week and it's just awesome! School is still very hard because I still have to translate almost everything into Swiss German so you get really tired.
On Sunday we had Orientation with all the AFS Kids and it was a bit boring. We heard the same stuff again and again. There are many people from Germany and Austria and I think four from Switzerland. So I got kinda confused with speaking Swiss German because I just spoked English for a few days and just heard English so I mixed up Swiss German, German and English!
On Monday it was my birthday and two kids I got to know just brought presents for me! It was so nice. At evening I went to an Italian restaurant with Gloria and Gary and two of their friends and I got my favorite food, lasagna.
So yesterday I had four friends from High School coming over and we jumped into the swimming pool at my house. After that we watched a bit TV, talked and ate cupcakes. I had so much fun with them!

Bye, Sandra

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Hi everyone!

Yesterday I had my first school day and it was just great! Everyone you ask will help you and they were all just so nice!
At Leadership class there were all the exchange students and we played some games. After this class there was lunch. You just went to the cafeteria and every student ate the same. There was Hamburger with Doritos. As a AFS student you get lunch for free! That's amazing.
So at 2.14pm the school was over and I was so tired. I could fall asleep right in the car! Gloria picked me up and then we went home.
At home I just wanna take a short nap because of the jetlag and I woke up at 9pm. I was so confused I thought it was morning and jumped out of bed. But today the jetlag isn't still that bad.
I went to the shoppingmall today with two girls I met in school yesterday. It was so much fun. We went to every store and then we ate at Red Robin. It's a fast food restaurant and they sang me Happy Birthday! After the lunch we get quick to the Walmart and watched the Pet Store. Everything is so different in America! But it's so interesting.

Bye, Sandra

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Hi everyone!

It's 10pm in Missouri and I'm very tired. The school starts tommorow for me and I'm so nervous about this! I hope I'm gonna find someone who helps me. The school area is so big and everything looks the same for me.
Luckily I know already three people there. One is an exchange student from Germany. The others are both from America.
I got here yesterday at 11pm and I just wanna go to bed! It was I think 6 o clock in Switzerland and I didn't sleep for like 26 hours. So I got here and they showed me my room. It's so cool! I have a very big and comfortable bed a little bathroom in my room and 2 goldfish!
Right now, Marsi (a dog) lays with me in the bed. She's so cute!
Today morning I was already at school and picked the classes I wanna go. For example Digitl Photography and P.E. The counsellor said I can change my classes everytime I want. Everyone was so nice there and helpfully!
So I quit for now and go to bed. I hope my jetlag goes away the next days.

Bye, Sandra

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Hi everyone

Yesterday I had my goodbye party and it was awesome! We had so much fun and I finally saw all the people I want. I'm gonna miss them all so much.
The morning after the party we had to clean up the whole garden, the living room and the kitchen but it could have been much worse. Only one chair broke! And maybe a few glasses...
Four of my friends slept over at my house and helped me with cleaning.
Afterwards we made "Smors". That's marshmallows with cookies and chocolate and it tastes so good.
At the evening my godfather, his wife, my grandparents and my best friend came over and we ate Raclette together for the last time for half a year.
Tomorrow I have to go to the school and give them my formular with the grades in it.
I can't believe that only 3 days are left! So excited!

Bye, Sandra

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Hi everyone ☺

My name is Sandra Hartmann and I'm nearly 16 years old. I made this blog to tell you about my life in Missouri. Hope you gonna enjoy it.
8 days are left until the biggest adventure of my life starts. I'm going for about 6 months to the USA. At about two weeks ago I get to know my host family. Their names are Gary and Gloria. They have two children but both are adults and already moved out the house. So we're three people in their big house. They have a pool outside and a hot tub.
We write now E-Mails and today they sent me the classes for High School and it's amazing how many things you can choose!
At this moment I've chosen Digital Photography, French II, Team Sports, General Biology and Sociology. I'm really excited to go to school and that's definitly not like this in Switzerland. 
My neighbor will go to the same High School as me and I'm so happy that I know at least one person.

Right now, I'm planning for my goodbye/birthday party on Saturday. I'm lucky to see them all before I leave. I hope we have much fun!

Have a nice evening
